Bizeljsko`s ribbon

Length: 31.4 km/ Difficulty: moderate/ Driving time: 3.5 h

This is a challenging circular route, more suitable for electric bikes due to the steeper gradients.
The starting point is at Villa Istenič in Bizeljsko. The trail is partly on asphalt and forest paths.  It is also pleasant in the summer months, as part of the trail is shaded.

The path leads past the Istenič cellar, where sparkling wines are produced using the classical method. The trail then passes by the unique tail-gardens, which are found only here and nowhere else. These are caves dug into the quartz sand where farmers once stored their produce, including the turnips that give the turnip beds their name. The high humidity (80-95 %) and the constant temperatures of between 8-12 °C made it an ideal storage place in all seasons. Today they serve as wine cellars and tasting rooms. The route takes you past the Bizeljsko Castle, the Babič collection of majolica, where over 1500 majolica from all over the world are kept. A bike ride offers an insight into the local landscape, the local people and their life, which has been linked to vineyards and wine for centuries.


Difficulty: moderate
Distance: 31.4 km 
Duration: 3,5 h 
Highest point: 488 m 
Starting point: Istenič Wine Cellar


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