Hear The Murmur Of The Mokrice Forests

Length: 31 km (24 km)/ Difficulty: medium (medium)/ Ride time: 2–2.5 h (1.5–2 h)

The cycling route takes you on a ride through Mokrice forests that are fascinating in all seasons. At Ponikve, you can enjoy a beautiful view far across the border. Along the foothills of Gorjanci, the route returns to the Terme Čatež Spa.

  1. Start the route past Hotel Toplice towards the Sava Embankment.
  2. After turning left to the embankment, you will arrive to the first houses and then continue on a dirt track along a wall. Turn right across a green area and under the Sava bridge and all the way to the Budič Inn at the confluence. If the passage under the bridge is too narrow, dismount the bike.
  3. The route then turns right to the main road and continues along the Krka River past the old bridge and under the motorway to Krška vas.
  4. Before the bridge in Krška vas, the route turns left and downward and continues along the Krka River.
  5. Take a left turn in Velike Malence after the bridge crossing the Globočec Stream. This is followed by a slight 2% slope through a narrow dale right to Globočice.
  6. In Globočice, turn right past the “Pri Martinovih” tourist farm.
  7. The route turns left to the main road. After 100 metres, asphalt is replaced by gravel and the route ends with a descent.
  8. At the crossroads by the Suban Mill, you will arrive to the Croatian border and go left.
  9. At Vlaški križ, the route continues straight down. In the middle of this section there is a slope which ends at the fork leading to the Mokrice Hunter's Lodge where you continue straight on.
  10. Following the main road, turn left to the first houses and then straight to the asphalt road.
  11. In the centre of Ponikve, take a slight right turn on the asphalt road. You are welcomed by a beautiful view towards Croatia.
  12. At the fork leading to Brezje, continue straight on past Velika Dolina. Go by the Mokrice golf course and descend to Nova Vas pri Mokricah.
  13. Take a sharp left turn in the Brežice direction and continue on the main road. Passing the fork leading to the Mokrice Castle, continue straight along the motorway to the pond in Prilipe.
  14. At the pond, there is an option to take a short route by the main road. This route leads straight on.
  15. At the first roundabout, take a right turn and cross the motorway and then follow the road to the Terme Čatež Spa at the second.
  16. The tour ends at the Tourist Information Centre.

    Short route: At Point 9, turn left and start ascending. The 8.1 km short route takes a gravel road. First, there is 1 km of ascending, followed by 3.2 km of wavy section and 3.9 km down-hill ride from Janežev dol to Point 14. The route continues following the points to the end.

    Short route description
    9. Turn left and ascend at Point 9.
    A At Mali Cirnik (pastures to the left), take a right turn to Janežev dol.
    B Take a left turn and descend to Tolsti dol.
    C After passing an abandoned quarry, the route turns left and down to Prilipe gully.
    D Turn right at the benches and continue descending towards the pond in Prilipe.
    14. Turn left to the main asphalt road and continue your descent at Point 15.

    Points of interest: Confluence of rivers Krka and Sava, old bridge, Grič sports and recreational centre, Church of St. Martin, “Pri Martinovih” tourist farm, Mokrice Castle, Prilipe pond


Tourist information centre

Tourist information centre
