Wandering in the Land Of Cviček

Length: 26 km (20 km)/ Difficulty: medium (easy)/ Ride time: 1.5–2 h (1–1.5 h)

The cycling route takes you through a section of the Podgorjanci wine road to Gadova peč. You will ascend to the hillsides of Gorjanci, past vineyards and vineyard cottages, into the land of Cviček wine – the pride of Dolenjska. The route back to the Terme Čatež Spa takes you along another pearl of Dolenjska – the lower River Krka area.

  1. Start at the swimming pool complex of the Terme Čatež Spa and follow the main road.
  2. At the first roundabout, take the motorway overpass and turn left to Dvorce at the second.
  3. In Dvorce, turn right and start ascending – in the direction of Cerina. In Cerina, continue straight on, past a manor towards Žejno.
  4. The main road turns left before Žejno and after 100 metres starts to descend through the village. It is followed by a slight ascent towards Sobenja vas before the route starts descending to Globočice, where you continue straight on at the junction, past the “Pri Martinovih” tourist farm.
  5. Some 50 metres after the tourist farm, the main gravel road turns slightly left, while you continue ascending straight on. The road to Krška vas leads partly through the woods. It takes you through the village down and past the cross before it starts to ascend; at the junction descend to the main road.
  6. You will reach the main road descending. Be careful! Take a right turn to Brvi.
  7. The route takes a left turn and continues up-hill, straight on to Stojanski Vrh and onwards to Gadova peč.
  8. You will arrive in Gadova peč – the cradle of the Cviček wine. Turn right and follow the slightly descending main road. At the junction for Belinje, take the main road to the left.
  9. After arriving to the main road, take a right turn and continue your descent to Bušeča vas. At a tight cluster of houses in Bušeča vas, there is a sharp right bend!
  10. At the centre of Bušeča vas, take a left turn following the main road. The route continues along the Krka River.
  11. In Dolenja Pirošica, take a right turn and continue through the village.
  12. At the junction outside the village, continue straight on. In Velike Malence, get across a little bridge leading to the bridge in Krška vas.
  13. At the bridge in Krška vas, turn right in the direction of Brežice. Go past the Grič recreational centre, old bridge and straight on at the junction with traffic lights.
  14. After 300 metres, take a left turn towards the embankment and then all the way to the Terme Čatež Spa. Turn right, past the Toplice hotel.
  15. The tour ends at the Tourist Information Centre.

Short route: At point 7, turn right and follow the main road. Just before the 1.4 km long short route ends, there is a short ascent, followed by a descent to Point 12, where you turn right. Continue through the points that follow.

Points of interest: “Pri Martinovih” tourist farm, Gadova peč, Klun’s spa, Church of St. Martin, Grič Sports and Recreational Centre, old bridge, Krka River


Tourist information centre

Tourist information centre
