New Addition in Brežice - Public Laundry Facility

In Brežice, you can now wash and dry your laundry at the public laundry facility located at Prešernova cesta 11 B, next to the Multigenerational Center in Brežice.

New Addition in Brežice - Public Laundry Facility

In the laundry facility, users have access to two washing machines and two dryers. The municipality allocated 24,000 euros for the necessary equipment.

The cost of washing or drying is 1 wash (3 tokens – includes detergent and fabric softener) or 1 drying cycle (3 tokens), with each token costing one euro. The laundry is open every day from 8 AM to 8 PM. Currently, the laundry is managed by the company Domtim d.o.o. from Brežice for a trial period of six months. 

Users are required to leave the laundry in the same condition as they found it.


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