We commemorate the importance of nature and its conservation

In the Municipality of Brežice, recognized as a Slovenia Green platinum destination, we are deeply committed to preserving nature and promoting sustainable tourism.


Our areas, such as Jovsi and Dobrava, represent the heart of biodiversity and are crucial for protecting rare species of plants and animals.

In May, we commemorate several important days that remind us of the necessity of nature conservation.

On May 20, we celebrate World Bee Day, which highlights the importance of bees for pollination and biodiversity.

Bees are one of the important pollinators that provide food and nutritional security, sustainable agriculture, biodiversity, and significantly contribute to mitigating climate change and preserving the environment. Protecting bees and the beekeeping sector thus contributes long-term to reducing poverty, hunger, and maintaining a healthy environment and biodiversity. Bees are also important from the perspective of sustainable agriculture and creating jobs in rural areas.

In recent years, we have become increasingly aware of the vitally important role of bees, on which a third of all food produced in the world depends. Climate changes and environmental changes have also affected the role of beekeepers. The Beekeeping Association of Slovenia unites approximately 8,000 beekeepers, and Slovenian honey is highly valued worldwide, with the important fact that Slovenian beekeepers sell most of the honey they produce domestically.

At Volovec Farm, a workshop was prepared on World Bee Day, as it is important for beekeepers to emphasize the importance of bees and their importance to nature!

May 21 is the day for European Natura 2000 Day, where we focus on conserving the largest network of protected areas in Europe.

The Brežice destination boasts rich natural and cultural heritage, and significant protected areas. Among these, Jovsi, a 460-hectare wetland along the Sotla River, and Dobrava, a 14,000-hectare lowland forest along the Sava River, stand out. Jovsi is home to numerous rare and endangered species, including important European bird species, while Dobrava represents the last major remnant of oak stands in Slovenia. The protected areas of the Brežice municipality contribute to the protection of plants, animals, and their habitats. In these areas, we can experience the richness of biodiversity typical of our geographically diverse country. Managing these areas ensures that visitors are offered nature-friendly and authentic experiences, providing a lasting nature experience.

World Biodiversity Day on May 22 and European Parks Day on May 24 are opportunities to educate the public about the importance of protected areas such as wetlands and forests in our municipality.

On the occasion of International Biodiversity Day, it is important to emphasize the efforts of the local community and managers of protected areas in Brežice to preserve and protect the natural environment. Projects carried out in these areas include concrete actions to improve the condition of target species and restore habitats, such as establishing meadows and restoring watercourses. Besides their conservation significance, areas like Jovsi also offer opportunities for education and public awareness. Visitors can explore nature, learn about the importance of wetlands, and participate in various educational activities that emphasize the value of biodiversity.

Kozjanski Regional Park in Župjek on Bizejskem conducted an open day, explaining everything about this colorful bird listed on the red list.

The Kapela Tourist Association conducted a guided tour of Jovsi and visited the information room on Parks Day.

By preserving nature, we not only protect the environment but also promote sustainable development and strengthen our community. The Municipality of Brežice remains committed to protecting nature and ensuring a rich heritage for future generations. You are invited to visit us and see for yourself the beauties and riches of our green destination.



Tourist information centre

Tourist information centre
