The memorial Revolt and revolution

Bizeljska cesta, 8250 Brežice

In 1972 the architect Franc Filipčič projected a memorial plateau in Brežice with a public monument, called Punt in revolucija (Revolt and revolution) called “Kose” (scythes) by the locals. The monument was constructed by Stojan Batič in memoriam of the farmers revolt and the battles of the Partisans. By the sharpness of the scythes turned upside down, the sculptor symbolically presents us the farmers’ revolt that was going on here in the 16th century. On the inside of the monument the deportations of the Slovene population and the Partisan Liberation fight against the German occupation in WWII is presented.

The memorial Revolt and revolution

The memorial Revolt and revolution

AddressBizeljska cesta, 8250 Brežice
The memorial Revolt and revolution


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